Renovation of commercial building in Klausstrasse, Zurich
Miteigentümergemeinschaft (MITEG) Klausstrasse 4

Renovation and conversion
Eduard Neuenschwanders residential and commercial building from 1973.
Planning 2011-2012 / Construction 2012-2013

The striking residential and commercial building by Eduard Neuenschwander (1973) is one of a series of detached buildings along the lakeside promenade all designed around the same time. The renovation brings the building’s forthright architectural language, rooted in post-war modernism, back to life. Where it was necessary to make more significant interventions, new and old were interwoven to create an inseparable whole. The additional formwork is modelled on the original look, while interim changes to the layout have been restored back to the original state and the new roof landscape is based on sketches by Neuenschwander that were never executed. New floor-to-ceiling glazing provides a direct connection to the lake.