Office renovation Stücheli Architects, Zurich
Stücheli Architekten AG

Interior design
Redesign of fifty office workstations and conversion and redesign of the reception area.
Planning 2022 / Construction 2022-2023

The way we work is always changing and it also affects where we work. While our home can temporarily become the office, the office takes on a homely character. In addition to concentrated work at the desk, there should also be space for play, food and drink, retreat and informal exchange. Our employees wanted a poetic, uncomplicated and colourful place to work.

The reception has been replaced by an inviting bar area at the entrance, to welcome customers or business partners personally. People meet at the elegant counter made of white ceramics and at the small wooden tables during breaks or for spontaneous conversations. Adjacent to this area is the "Townhall", which offers space for food and drinks and smaller events. Petrol-green painted columns and beams set an accent along the facade of the lounge area. The approximately fifty open office workplaces are characterised by a bright and light design. New lighting and effective acoustic measures ensure optimal working conditions. Those who wish to retreat will find comfortable seating, a telephone box or a small relaxation room.
The new premises, designed according to the principles of "New Work", reflect the changed needs of the employees for their workplace. At the same time, they represent the flat hierarchical structures of Stücheli Architects, which have been established with the last generation change.